A recommendation from the Central IT Executive Commission (CITEC) regarding Adobe Connect was “an analysis be conducted to pursue a campus-wide replacement solution for future use, including how many CSUs currently utilize Zoom licenses.” The Information Technology Leadership Council (ITLC) Online Video Collaboration Working Group was established to determine the best solution for online video conferencing for the University and based on their work Zoom would be the best fit. In Fall 2019, ITS is moving forward with the purchase of a Zoom site license. This service will ultimately replace the ITS-managed instance of Adobe Connect, which will be retired. The deliverables of the Zoom Rollout Working Group include:
- A successful roll out in the 2019-2020 fiscal year of a campus-wide site license for Zoom video conferencing and help facilitate adoption by campus users.
- A plan and timeline to migrate the ITS-managed Adobe Connect users to Zoom and sunset the ITS-managed Adobe Connect Service.
- A long-term funding solution for Zoom. · Recommend an end user support structure for the ITS-managed Zoom
- Recommend an end user support structure for the ITS-managed Zoom
The ITLC Zoom Rollout Working Group will provide feedback and guidance to ITS to facilitate an effective launch of Zoom and graceful retirement of Adobe Connect. The group will make recommendations to ITS about the support model. The group will also coordinate stakeholder feedback and communication with IT staff on campus around the transition from Adobe Connect to Zoom. The working group will also serve as a resource for ITLC executive sponsors as they determine the long term funding strategy for this online video collaboration tool at UT. The group will make a recommendation to executive sponsors about the expected duration of the Zoom license before a sunset review occurs.
Membership shall include at least 7 members from diverse areas of campus that have business need for the success of the roll out of a campus-wide video conferencing solution. The chair of the task force shall be a member of ITLC appointed by the ITLC Chair.
Members are expected to be from the IT community and be broadly representative. Members selected by chair and/or vice chair.
Chair | |||
Ryan Baldwin | Director of Information Technology and Facilities | Education - Office of the Dean | |
Members | |||
Mario Guerra | Senior IT Manager | College of Liberal Arts | |
Mike Harvey | Assistant Dean | School of Law | |
Brad Johnston | Director | College of Fine Arts | |
David Moss | Associate Director | ITS | |
Kamran Ziai | Director | Dell Medical School | |
Meeting Schedule
Tuesdays 3:00PM-3:30PM