What is the purpose of the ITLC?
The University of Texas IT Leadership Council is a group of IT leaders and directors from academic, administrative, and central IT units. The ITLC was formed in 2018 to foster effective communication and collaboration between the independent and interdependent IT groups it represents. Its mission is to align IT projects with an overall strategy that improves the quality and efficiency of IT services on campus in support of UT’s teaching, research, and public service mission.
Is the ITLC part of IT governance at UT?
Yes, the ITLC is a foundational part of IT governance at UT. At its inception in 2018, the Council addressed some of the issues raised in the 2017 Central IT Executive Commission (CITEC) report. CITEC summarized the state of IT at UT and made recommendations for the future. ITLC fulfills one of the CITEC recommendations to establish a group that links past IT governance efforts with the changing IT environment at UT, tackling a variety of prioritized strategic issues. ITLC works with its executive sponsors (the Provost and CFO) and other campus leaders to recommend IT strategies and the resources needed to execute them. ITLC itself does not authorize or allocate central resources for campus efforts.
ITLC has a specific and defined scope and is not intended to be the only such group on campus. The Business and Administrative IT Leadership Council (BAITLC), for example, is another important governance group on campus. ITLC works with BAITLC to connect IT strategy and projects with a focus on effectively stewarding campus resources.
How was the council formed?
The council was formed in 2018 from a large collaborative group of IT leaders with a charge to develop a new approach to working together across campus administrative units. FY18-19 was spent in an interim, organizational phase during which members wrote by-laws, elected leaders, established committees, and formed working groups to address immediate campus IT issues.
How do you decide what to focus on?
ITLC leaders and members review numerous sources of input to decide which issues to tackle. Some surfaced initially in the CITEC report and internal data collection (see here and here). New topics emerge from ongoing needs assessment, discussion, agenda committee submissions, and community input (see the Share Your Ideas page).
How can I learn more?
ITLC is committed to effectively communicating what we are doing and how we are doing it. This web site includes ITLC by-laws, pages for each active committee and working group, and documents that detail work in progress and final recommendations. The ITLC welcomes your feedback through the Share Your Ideas section of the site.
How can I get involved?
To learn more or get involved with ongoing initiatives, please reach out to any ITLC member. For specific topics, please contact the appropriate committee chair.