*Working Group concluded, final report and deliverables submitted on 5/8/19
In the first half of 2019, UT Austin will convene a new, interim IT governance committee who will establish the framework for the committee to operate in its final form by the Fall semester of 2019.
The interim committee has been given a charge by the CIO to accomplish the following:
- Provide evaluation of and guidance regarding IT direction, standards, and strategies for campus IT for both ITS and distributed units
- Develop a charter that includes expectations of its participants, procedural rules, and operational direction regarding meeting agendas and cadence
- Recognize that representatives have a dual role, representing their units and local needs and priorities as well as guiding an IT environment that supports UT needs and directions
- Provide this group’s recommendations for a long term IT governance structure and function
The ITLC Governance Charter Working Group will provide these deliverables to ITLC by May 2019:
A governance model to be articulated in a recommendation to ITLC that will include some or all of the following documents:
- Conceptual governance structure
- Charge
- Committee Roles and Scope
- Committee Membership and Expectations
- Committee terminology/glossary
- By-laws/Protocols
- Transitional steps
This subcommittee will recommend a conceptual governance model and write specific recommendations that can be used to transition to formal governance beginning in September 2019. Transition and implementation plans are outside the scope of the subcommittee.
ITLC Governance Working Group Officer
Chair | |||
Chris Carter | Director of Organizational Effectiveness | UT Libraries | ccarter@utexas.edu |
ITLC Governance Working Group Members
Members | |||
Eric Hepburn | Director of Information Technology | School of Architecture | ehepburn@utexas.edu |
Carol Lee | Director of Strategic Initiatives | CIO/ITS COO Office | clee@austin.utexas.edu |
Michael Harvey | Assistant Dean for Technology | School of Law | mharvey@law.utexas.edu |